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There are many factors that can cause acnenic problems on the skin from foods to hormonal imbalance, but treating adult acne is now possible. 

Acne is caused by the imbalance of the hormone androgen: a hormone that stimulates the sebaceous glands to produce more oil in the skin. This increase of oil on the skin surface therefore causes pores to become blocked stopping the oil to arise to the surface of the skin. The oil within the blocked pore then becomes a form of bacteria created from waste products and sebacic acid creating swollen and inflamed pores known as papules, comedones, blackheads, white heads, spot or pimple.

How do IPL treatments work?

IPL adult acne treatment relies on absorption of haemoglobin in the blood for the treatment to be effective. The system transmits a filtered light to the treatment area which is a beam of energy that passes through the skin. If the haemoglobin is hit with the correct level of energy, the energy will heat up within the fine blood vessels that supply the sebaceous glands causing minor injury to the glands and slow down the overproduction of oil and remove the most common bacteria that leads to the cause of acne growth. An in-depth consultation with your acne specialist will be carried out before treating adult acne, and a programme can then be processed to assess your personal needs followed with a patch test to determine skin response. The technology is supported by worldwide clinical research studies with proven results.

How many treatments are needed?

The recommended adult acne treatment time varies but 4-6 sessions may be required to obtain the desired result. This does depend on the grade of acne in place, the area required to be treated/ covered along with skin sensitivity. It is not possible to define how many treatments an individual will require when treating adult acne.


Can I be treated?

If you suffer from permanent acne you could benefit from an IPL adult acne treatment at Lisa Marie Laser and Aesthetics Clinic. Adult acne treatments can work on inflammatory acne skins that are best known as red, aching, raised spots, lower grade acne suffers and for skins which suffer frequent outbreaks.

What does a treatment involve?

IPL adult acne treatment is a quick and simple way to combat acneic skin on the face and body. By using a sapphire chilled hand piece this is gently placed onto the skin and pulses of intense light is applied to the treatment area. The skin after a treatment can appear hot, red with slight swelling for up to 24-48hrs after.

It is important to avoid tanning of the skin by solarium, sun or self tanning before and during acne sessions. We also advise that post treatment SPF sunscreen is used to the treated area(s) to limit sun exposure for a few weeks and application of medicated topical cream to be used in the evening to the treated area prescribed by your doctor.

Qplus - Skin resurfacing before
Qplus - Skin resurfacing after

Acne Scarring

Acne scarring can really affect a person\’s confidence. Redness, marks and \’pot holes\’ can\’t easily be hidden when it\’s on the face. Laser therapy is one of the advanced techniques, which is frequently used for skin rejuvenation. Non-ablative fractional laser resurfacing is developing very rapidly to become the gold standard for laser resurfacing therapy for various indications including photo rejuvenation therapy and acne scarring reduction. 

Does it hurt?

No – you will feel a warmth when the laser is worked over the skin but no pain will be felt. Your skin may remain pink for up to 24 hours and we recommend you follow a thorough skincare routine following your treatment.

What do I need to do to prepare my skin?

During consultation for treating adult acne you will be advised on a thorough skincare routine which we advice that you follow to achieve maximum results.

What will my skin look like after?

Everyone’s skins react differently but we do expect you to have pink/red skin directly after the treatment which will fade over the next 24/48 hours. Skin flaking can follow roughly 4/7 days post treatment.



Acne Clearance

Rosacea Treatment

Laser Skin Fix






